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Yoga Therapy for Scoliosis
Before you Begin
How to use this program for best results (4:24)
Introduction to Iyengar Yoga & props (1:32)
Bonus Lecture: Anatomy of Scoliosis (31:33)
12 Key Postures for Scoliosis
1. Extended Child's Pose - Yoga Mudra Variations (12:58)
2. Reclining Arms Overhead Posture - Supta Urdvha Hastasana (12:32)
3. Sidebody Lengthening Against a Wall - Urdvha Eka Hastasana (6:24)
4. Downward Facing Dog variations on chair - Adho Mukha Svanasana (10:12)
5. Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana (6:15)
6. Extended Side Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasna (6:03)
7. Warrior I with foot on chair & arm variations - Virabhadrasana I (5:44)
8. Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold - Prasarita Padottonasana (7:07)
9. Sitting on Heels with Arms Overhead - Vajrasana with Padanguliasana (3:38)
10. Sidelying Posture for Scoliosis - Anantansana (6:10)
11. Side Plank Variations - Vasisthasana (5:26)
12. Seated Spinal Twist - Bharadvajasana (9:16)
Final Relaxation - Savasana (6:09)
Introduction to Iyengar Yoga & props
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